
Law, Economics, and International Relations

Generate high-impact actions in your economic, political, and social environment, and build the world of the future.

Why study Law, Economics, and International Relations at Tec?

Why study Law, Economics, and International Relations at Tec?

Generate high-impact actions in your economic, political, and social environment, and build the world of the future.

We live in an increasingly technological and interconnected world that demands trailblazers who will generate inclusive prosperity, in order to build a plural future that prioritizes human rights.

As a Tec student in this area, you will acquire competencies such as:

Education with high-tech content
Solid foundation of theory and data analysis with an impact on the public and private sectors
Multidisciplinary focus for the creation of a sustainable world, with less inequality and more inclusion and development

LEC B.A. in Economics
The economists of today and tomorrow need to develop their critical thinking to analyze and generate solutions to multiple social, business, and financial challenges. 0

LED B.A. in Law
The lawyers of today and tomorrow need to be able to solve the challenges of a globalized world, from a multidisciplinary perspective and making use of technological tools. 0

LRI B.A. in International Relations
The internationalists of today and tomorrow are multidisciplinary professionals trained in politics, economics, law, history, and sociology. They have the capacity to create innovative solutions, making use of technology, and generate local and global networks. 0

LTP B.A. in Government and Public Transformation
Graduates of the B.A. in Government and Public Transformation are specialists in political science and public policy, capable of impacting political, business, and technology systems, through a strong command of advanced analytical methods for generating new public enterprises. 0



Profundiza en otras áreas de estudio.


“I don’t have to wait until I have graduated to implement a project related to my degree; if other people can do it, so can I!”

Francisco Zamora // Embajador CONCAUSA 2030

    LEC B.A. in Economics
    LED B.A. in Law
    LRI B.A. in International Relations
    LTP B.A. in Government and Public Transformation